... to make Virtuosa look the way you want !

Skin name : Greenoli
Description : a techno�d skin for roswell fans and all aliens on earth.
Author : olikool
Download : here
Skin name : Virtuosa in blue
Description : one of the most popular skins, very smooth and relaxing, works with any type of music
Author : Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : e-motion
Description : a fabulous skin, very appropriate for synthetic and electro music, it is especially effective when used with a visualization running in the background
Author : Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : RerveRTT
Description : looks like candies all around, tastes great too...
Author : Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : Virtual OSA
Description : real strong techno-industrial vibes emanating from this one...
Author : Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : Virtuosa bubbles
Description : fabulous globular landscape, especially effective when used with a visualization running in the background
Author : Frank L and Thierry T
Download : Soon Available
Skin name : Windows icons
Description : for the unconditionals of the Windows look-and-feel...
Author : Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : Virtuosa Phoenix
Description : the skin by default, very clear and very effective, works with all music styles
Author : Frank L and Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : Virtuosa with text
Description : a great skin with text underneath the buttons (disable automatic text under buttons in the options beforehand)
Author : Frank L and Thierry T
Download : Soon Available
Skin name : Old standard
Description : the most popular skin prior to Virtuosa's rebirth
Author : Thierry T
Download : here
Skin name : Boutons with text
Description : a great skin with text description embedded underneath each button (disable automatic text under buttons in the options beforehand)
Author : Thierry T
Download : here

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